not much going on. saturday sucked, as expected. but it was an internal struggle more than anything else. we didn't really talk about it on saturday, as we'd briefly touched on the topic friday night. i think the captain knew i just needed to process it on my own. and i did. i guess.
april is going to be crazy busy for me/us. my sister's wedding is this weekend. then we have a trip to HOU next week for a day. the following week we'll be in HOU all week. and the next week (20-24), i'll be in OH on business.
at least i'm keeping myself busy, i suppose.
oh. my blogoversary was march 17. missed it. sigh. and btw, blogoversary just doesn't sound right after the mr. blogo fiasco. hmm. anyway. happy blog-versary to me. yay.
picked up this. not bad. not my fav but not bad. and the RJA album i picked up a couple of weeks ago (previous post) - total win. get it. you'll love it.
until next time....