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National Infertility Awareness Week

Monday, October 20, 2008

October 19-25 is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW). There are currently two bills in Congress that address IF: H. Res. 322 and H.R. 2892 in Congress (ehm, have been since 2007) to bring more awareness to IF and provide more coverage; unfortunately, they haven't gone far. If you feel inclined to do so, please e-mail your rep and ask that they vote to pass these bills and others like them. In your heart, you'll hear 7.3 million people thanking you, I promise.

I'm going to try to do a post every day (oops....missed yesterday!) about how Infertility has affected us (good and bad). So, here's today's post:

Wow. October marks month 31 of us TTC #1. I honestly never thought we'd reach this mark. I mean, I always kinda figured we'd "struggle" - but I figured we'd be part of the 80% that gets pregnant after 12mo of trying. Riiiight? Wrong. One thing IF has taught us is to never assume anything. And you know, that's actually a "good" thing. After 2+ years of trying to get pregnant, you kinda just go-with-the-flow, in all areas of life. I think I've become more relaxed (if you can believe it) and I try to stay away from and out of all the bullshit. I try not to get wrapped up in drama. And although it's been hard and I still have difficulty - I make it a point not to say "what if I'm pregnant" or "what if we have a baby by then"....I fail miserably at times but this has been my new goal when looking forward to the future.

more tomorrow....