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my bucket list

Saturday, June 28, 2008

the captain and i recently watched The Bucket List. i thought it was a great movie (4 stars*!) and it reminded me about life and how to live it. i've had my own "bucket list" for things-to-do-before-i-die-list is LONG! here are 10 random things to do/see from my list (in no particular order):

  1. sky diving (this is will be crossed off w/i a year!)
  2. 7 wonders of the world (old & new) & other wonders!
  3. take a gondola ride in Venice
  4. visit the Vatican and attend a Papal Mass
  5. volunteer in Africa
  6. the roman catacombs
  7. open a Swiss bank account (hehe!)
  8. swim with the dolphins
  9. horseback riding on the beach (w/ the captain, of course)
  10. see Mount Rushmore

what's on your Bucket List?


Martina said...

awesome!! i want to rent that one, but always find something else instead...i should put together a bucket list...of course, i don't plan on dying anytime soon! lol