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home again

Sunday, June 7, 2009

well, we made it back from the big V. had a fantabulous time. really, we did. and we actually did pretty well. had a few big wins. and relaxed. heading back in Nov for a girls' only trip and i cannot wait.

trying to get back in the swing of things. have a ton of laundry to catch up on. and need to clean out my fridge. it'll have to wait. le sigh.

not a whole lot going on, tbh. heading to the Blanco Lavender Festival on Friday. should be fun; hot but fun. we'll see.

gearing up for my little brother's annual summer visit. haha. i can't wait.

so, yea. we're buying a house. i'm a nervous wreck over it. it's coming along. the brick is up. so that's cool. still fucking scared shitless. but a las, this is the next move in life, no? at least that's what i keep telling myself.

hope all you silent peeps are doing well. i know you're there. you just don't comment. but i can see you....hehe...little stars from around the globe (map). lol! sorry i don't give you much to read these days. my life seems to have slowed to musings and reflections instead of the more personal shit that TTC brought on. so, sorry if you're bored or if i disappoint.



Lori said...

Meet you in Vegas in November! Just gotta hit a big jackpot to payoff your house...wouldn't that be nice!